Intermediate and advanced sea kayaking

Activity Type: 

  • Kayaking & Canoeing

Start date: 

13/03/2025 to 16/03/2025

Details (public view): 

Join us for a 3 day weekend of sea kayaking (and walking if weather too wild...) in beautiful Pembrokeshire. We'll be staying near Broad Haven in self catering cottages.

This event is suitable for intermediate (sea kayak award level) and advanced (coastal sea kayak award level) paddlers. Dry suits a must as the sea will still be very cold.

Dave will be leading the intermediate group and Katie will be leading the advanced paddles but there are lots of opportunities for people to get involved in planning which is all part of the fun.

You'll need to bring your own sea kayak and equipment. If you need to hire a sea kayak from Club stores please arrange this yourself. We'll sort out lift shares etc nearer the time.

We'll bring group safety kit but anything extra is always welcome.

Now full but please let me know iif you'd like to be on the reserve list.

Cost per Person/Deposit: 
