Symonds Yat - Kayaking Day Trip

Activity Type: 

  • Kayaking & Canoeing

Start date: 


Details (public view): 

PLEASE BOOK ON THIS VIA THE WEBSITE - at the moment you cannot just turn up to join the event (Covidcontrols)

A day playing on the rapids at Symonds Yat.

While we have taken steps to mitigate infection at events, it is possible that you could contract Covid-19 while participating in an event. In attending an event you are accepting this risk

For the purposes of NHS Test and Trace your contact details need to be correct on the club website. Please check this through ‘My account’ then ‘Edit’ before participating in an event

By participating in an activity, you are giving permission for your contact details to be passed on to NHS Test and Trace if requested

Ensure you have read ‘Covid-19 SOP for participants, organisers and leaders’ which is available on the Home page

Cost per Person/Deposit: 
