Purbeck Sea Kayaking

Activity Type: 

  • Kayaking & Canoeing

Start date: 

09/06/2022 to 12/06/2022

Details (public view): 

Describe the event without any joining instructions as this can be viewed by non members (eg place and time).  Delete this text.

Sea kayaking for competent 2 Star / Explore standard paddlers who will have undertaken a sea kayaking introductory day / weekend and have recently kayaked in sea or touring kayaks by 9th June 2022. People above this standard are welcome.

We will do three paddles along the Jurassic Coast, hopefully Lulworth Cove, Durdle Door etc.

If windy we have shelter in Poole Harbour or sheltered side of Portland.

Three days of paddling Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Camping trip


Cost per Person/Deposit: 
