Indoor Climbing at The Arc

Activity Type: 

  • Climbing

Start date: 


Details (public view): 


The session is subject to leader availability and is managed through the FB Messenger chat: "AOAC climbers". Therefore, you are not to buy a place on the website. Instead contact the organiser to join the chat. 


The session is from 7 pm to 9 pm at The Arc, Westmead Lane, Chippenham SN15 3HZ. There is free parking from 6 pm in this carpark a 5 minutes walk from the centre:

Prices can be found at the centre’s website: 


You need a harness, climbing shoes and a belay device.


This session is for climbers signed off as Indoor Top Rope Competent and above.

You find the current AOAC Climbing Experience Levels here:

NB If you haven't attended an AOAC climbing session before then you will need to be assessed by an AOAC Instructor.  Please let the organisor know.

If you are returning to climbing after a prolonged layoff, or you have any doubts about your ability to safely belay, then please book on the beginners class to refresh your skills. 

In order for the club to safely carry out each climbing session, climbing leaders and organisers keep a list of all climbers. The list consists of names and competence levels. We will keep the information for up to 12 months after the last climbing attendance. Only club climbing leaders and climbing organisers and committee members will have access to this information. Anyone will have access to view their own information upon request as well as the right to rectify, erase and restrict in accordance with GDPR. If you wish to access your information, contact the Climbing Training and Development Deputy. 

You find our  Standard Operating procedures for indoor climbing here: 


While we have taken steps to mitigate infection at events, it is possible that you could contract Covid-19 while participating in an event. In attending an event you are accepting this risk.  For the purposes of NHS Test and Trace your contact details need to be correct on the club website. Please check this through ‘My account’ then ‘Edit’ before participating in an event.

By participating in an activity, you are giving permission for your contact details to be passed on to NHS Test and Trace if requested.

Ensure you have read ‘Covid-19 SOP for participants, organisers and leaders’ which is available on the Homepage.

New members are welcomed on events. If you want to know more then please contact the organiser

The Club insurance only covers activities with a Club approved Activity Leader or run by a contracted external provider. Other activities, such as surfing on multi-activity weekends, are not covered, but members are free to do them at their own risk.

Cost per Person/Deposit: 
